Skills and Interests
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The people of Tennessee *need* a wage increase. We currently abide by the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour, or about $15,000 a year for a full-time worker. The average cost of living for a Tennessean is $34,350 a year. This is unacceptable! A bill raising the state minimum wage to $20 an hour has already passed the house, but the senate has delayed a vote on that bill indefinitely! Tennessee deserves better. Elect me for senate and I will make your financial freedom my priority!


Tennessee law presently bans abortion at all stages of pregnancy, including cases of rape and incest, even if the victim is a minor. Few exceptions exist, mainly if the mother or fetus are not expected to survive the birth. Nobody *wants* to have an abortion, but whether or not it is the right choice should be left in the hands of patients and their doctors, not politicians. Elect me for senate and I will champion your right to make that choice.


In response to school shootings, Tennessee has passed a law permitting selected teachers and faculty to carry concealed guns at school. Schools are not required to inform parents or students that they have done so. We need fewer guns in schools, not more, so teachers and students can focus on teaching and learning, not their fear. Elect me for senate and I will support common sense gun control laws, and de-militarize our schools.

About R.E. Ellison

Hi, my name is Robin. I am Tennessee born and raised, and I want to be your next District 8 Senator. Why? WE need someone who will stand up for all of US. I am that person. The values instilled in me by my family have guided me throughout my life. We were taught manners and courtesy, and I believe it’s time to bring those back to Tennessee. The cursing and mudslinging in our society have become unacceptable. This negativity has to STOP, and we need to get back to being Americans on the same team.

Despite many obstacles, my childhood was full of love, and I want my family to always be proud of me. I'm not sure people are concerned with reflecting badly on their families anymore.Growing up here was perfect for me, I got to be both a country and city mouse. I was blessed to be surrounded by strong Tennessee Women. My mom lived in Grassy Fork, where they raised tobacco, tomatoes, and chickens; so I absolutely get the "Farmer's Side" of things. In the future, Farmers are going to be critical to the survival of us all and we need to help them as much as possible now.My childhood was about playing outside. On Saturdays, we only went home if hungry or it was dark out. Back then, we didn’t worry about dangers like kidnapping and the sex trade. Children deserve better from all of US.

We used our imaginations and played with simple things like boxes. In high school, I might have been bullied (not sure because I ignored it, didn't care and moved on) but it would only make me stronger. Organizations like 4-H, FHA, Cheerleading, and Beta Club taught me empathy and skills that I’ve used throughout my life.I was taught to take responsibility for my actions, to apologize when wrong, and to strive to make the world better for the next generation.

Starting at 14, I worked summers for the State of Tennessee Human Services, which strengthened my resolve against child abuse. I worked at PayLess Shoes through high school and juggled several jobs while attending college. I paid for my education, with government assistance, because I was emancipated at 15 with no financial help from my parents. Such programs are essential for those of us who want to pursue our dreams but lack the means.In 1981, I left home and began a career in Atlanta. With my computer science education, I worked over 35 years in Technology Development. I worked for major companies like Delta, Ford, Lucent, and Chrysler, where my team successfully designed and managed software such as: "the Y2K global solution" and SkyMiles. I also worked for mid-sized companies such as T-Drill, The Weather Channel, and Heeney Co.

I returned to Tennessee in 2001, choosing Seymour as my permanent home. I am grateful every day for the safety and great neighbors I have here. Despite suffering from multiple physical conditions and living on Social Security, I still want to be a good citizen and at this time that means running for office.

I know that Republicans are considering cuts to Social Security and Medicare, just imagine the homelessness that would be created by cutting off everyone's social security. Most people today live paycheck to paycheck. Without Medicare people will DIE, this can not be what they want. We don’t need less help; we need better leadership.

I seek nothing more than the respect of my community for doing what is right for our citizens. Money is not my motivation, never has been; PEOPLE ARE. I intend to push hard until we get $20/hr for all workers in TN including the Service Industry... $2.35/hr - What an insult?I will NEVER back down while defending women and children. NEVER. And I will do everything in my power to make sure THE ERA is applied throughout TN for everyone.I must stand up for Social Security and Medicare because it's the right thing to do; taking care of disabled and elderly is our responsibility and these programs do that.

Schools need: Education Revolution!! Safety first. Teaching basic life skills, prepare kids to be part of our future, make lives better thru education and community support. GIVE these kids something to strive for, to excel at and they will succeed. They just will.

Faith. I have believed that 'angels' have been sent by God to protect me throughout my whole life. It's really just the wonderful people that have shown up whenever I need someone. Maybe it's luck, maybe it's good choices, maybe it's good vibes... regardless what you call it... It makes me feel loved and protected by the God of my choice. I believe EVERYONE has the right to believe whatever you want regarding religion, but YOU CAN NOT force anyone else to believe the way you do. That is called Freedom of Religion. You do not have faith if someone is forcing you to comply with their thinking, their religion, their beliefs; God knows who is being forced and it does not work, so stop trying. If you want more people to join your church, behave better, be a role model to others, live the life of a true believer and that person is not a bully.

A sign that I see every morning says...'What does the Devil say when I wake up every morning?' "Oh, Sh!t. She's up!!" and that is okay with me. I am open to ideas, solutions and improvements for anything we can make better. Please feel free to contact me. Now or After I'm in Office, I would like to be available to everyone I represent.

One of my favorite quotes is from Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me!' If sending me will cut back on the 'crazy' we are now experiencing now, I'm ALL IN. Please Vote Blue To Save US ALL. I'm on the ballot as R.E. Ellison and I want to be the best Senator District 8 has ever had. Please give me the chance.